As soon as feasible, an emergency call to the Workplace Trauma Center should be made for assistance with any Crisis Situation. Our intake staff will assist you in determining the most appropriate strategies for supporting your personnel. If indicated, on-site support will be scheduled at the time and place that is most appropriate and convenient for your staff. Once on-site, our crisis management specialists will meet first with your management team to work out the specific crisis management plan. The timing of the intervention depends on the nature of the crisis. For instance, bank robberies are scheduled for after the police and FBI are finished with their eyewitness interviews. Support is provided by a Workplace Trauma Center professional who is a licensed mental health professional who is specially trained in crisis intervention.
These meetings are designed to help with the following:
- Provide a supportive environment to process the experience.
- A learning environment to understand the stress response and effects of trauma.
- Information about the normal reactions to an abnormal experience including stress symptoms and ways to care for yourself.
- Follow-up resources, handouts, individual counseling are provided if needed.
- Confidentiality is strictly maintained. There are no written records of disclosures made or shared by the group. A generalized report may be given to an executive or manager indicating the success of the intervention.
Research has shown that the way in which a person takes care of him or herself during the first few days following a traumatic event may help to minimize the development of future psychological reactions to the event. Understanding the reactions of ones body and their emotions can help a person to better cope with the trauma of the event. Referral to appropriate local follow up resources will be offered to insure the ongoing care of your personnel.